With a home stand-by generator installation, we can keep your lights on and your house comfortable this summer!
Call us to schedule a home survey.
We can help you keep the power on! We are a certified Generac dealer/service and warranty provider. You can pick from various size units to provide the comfort you desire. Call us today for a FREE home survey/estimate.
Generators are great for powering up your appliances and provide comfort during unexpected utility power outages. It is important to know the precautions to ensure you protect yourself and your home.
Generators are not meant to be running in an enclosed space.
Similar to furnaces, generators - while running - can produce carbon monoxide. This is a posionous and odorless gas, it can cause dizziness, hallucinations, and death. Never run a generator inside a garage; even if the door is open the carbon monoxide will still be a danger. It is important you keep your system outside and exhaust vents cleared. Ensure any extension cords are not cracked, bent, or showing wires. Old extension cords can be unsafe when connecting to power.
Do I need my Whole-House Generator serviced?
Regnier & Associates offers and recommends annual maintenance be performed on your system. General Maintenance includes; Cooling System Check, Battery, and Electrical Check. Oil Filter and Air Filter changing as necessary. Having this maintenance performed annually ensures your generator is running with no issues and getting it ready for possible use. The Owner's Manual can inform you on when to change your oil and what kind to use. Lack of attention to maintenance can cause it to not start or seize up.
Not Happy with your Portable Generator? Consider purchasing a Whole-House Stand-by Generator from Generac!
Portable Generators are inexpensive but also a big hassle. Whole-House Generators do not need to be re-fueled every hour like portables. Stop going out into the frigid weather just to power the fridge. For More Info click the following link to be taken to the Generac website.
Regnier & Associates will follow all necessary precautions and local codes required to install a Generator for your home.